
Showing posts from February, 2007

FOX News ... Still Unfunny

From My Wordpress Blog (yes, I have two of them) The Facist News Channel has a new show (if you want to call it that) called the The Half Hour News Hour (...yeah, I know). That is supposed to deliver a "Daily Show for Conservatives" slant on the days news stories. Here is my Review of Rupert Murdoch's latest snafu. The strangest thing about the Half Hour News Hour , the Fox News Channel’s first attempt at intentional satire, described by its creator Joel Surnow as “the Daily Show for conservatives,” is not the fact that it has been panned by what Fox calls “the liberal media”. And panned it certainly was. “Radiation sickness is funnier” raved Charlie Brooker in the Guardian. “The audience for this show is someone who doesn’t like comedy. It is stupendously not funny” chortled Lisa de Moraes on No, what’s unusual is that the right’s antidote to the Daily Show appears to have been made by people who’ve never actually watched the Daily Show. While

How to blow 145 Billion!

Sadly, I cannot take credit for such an amazing post. Found it on Digg, so I thought I would make it just a little bit more popular. (hey it could happen - The eternal optimist that I am, in any event give Death and Taxes : The Blog the requisite props, I'm just a pion in their world. ) President Bush’s budget request on Monday included a line item of $145.2 billion for the war in Iraq… er.. I mean the ‘Global War on Terror.’ Now this funding isn’t already included in the massive Department of Defense budget, nor is it part of some multi-year over arching funding program. It’s a straight lump sum of 145 billion dollars of your taxes to be used next year in an Iraq ‘whatever’ fund. But its 145 billion dollars. Surely a number like that may be difficult to get your head around or in perspective. Well that’s what I intend to do. Follow along as I show you a few other ways we could blow $145 billion of our own money. Well here is what are spending it on. The big pot o’ taxes en route

OK, this is the last one

I promise! I know I've been neglecting to write anything for a while. I've been pretty depressed about the job situation lately, and the lack of quality opportunities there are. I have no clue of what to do nowadays, after a while everything just ends up feeling like a jumble of words and no real possibilities. I've been on so many interviews and written so many thank you and cover letters that I feel like I'm writing to brick walls. Don't know what to do or what to say. Except - enjoy a Golden Oldie! and pray for me!

Rollin' with Saget

I will start posting some new stuff soon (believe me there is quite a bit to talk about). But for now I wanted to put out a golden oldie' (does this summer qualify?). For all ya'll that don't know. You must hear Bob Saget's version of The Aristocrats aka. never let this man near your children.

Apple and the Digital Home Enviroment

I pay more for Apple hardware because I 'm confident their stuff just works. I suspect I'm no longer alone in this regard. But there are still some who doubt what Apple have achieved over the years : “The question is, will Apple peel out on the race for dominance in the home? 'No, I don't think so,' says Michael Wolf , research director, digital home, ABI Research . 'Apple is a premium model and not for everyone. The masses are more likely to use set-tops by operators.'” When are people going to get over the idea of Apple being the default, inaccessibly premium buy, when all the while Apple are offering computers that are pound-for-pound / dollar-for-dollar price competitive with the other guys? People have bought iPods in their millions, when all the while there are cheaper portable music players that have things like voice recorders, FM radios and are occasion smaller that the iPod. So why do people buy the iPod in preference to other portable music playe