
Showing posts from April, 2007

Together at Last?

Did someone slip me acid or is this Jimmy “Dyno-mite” Walker and Ann Coulter together at the TV Land Awards. There’s not a single thing in this picture that makes a lick of sense. Actually, maybe it does. They have so many common interests, I guess it was just a matter of time before they had a shared project.

Now Gwen Ifill ! WTF is wrong with Don?

Posted by Frank James at 8:44 am CDT Who knew this Don Imus controversy would mushroom into The Big Story? Last week, when I predicted that Washington politicians and journalists would probably still appear on Imus's show despite his "nappy-headed hos" comment, that was in part based on what appeared to be a fairly low outrage level last week. There were very few stories about it. It was also because Imus has said many controversial comments over the years and Washington types still appeared on the show. Must've been the pre-holiday doldrums. Now, the Imus story has emerged into a major national story, at least judging from the news coverage. His show has been suspended for two weeks by the corporations that air it. Imus, sensing his career to be in mortal danger, went on the Rev. Al Sharpton radio show yesterday. Didn't do as much good as Imus might've hoped. Sharpton is still calling for his firing as is Rev. Jesse Jackson, who led an anti-Imu

WTF Comment of the Day

"Setting Grand Theft Auto in the safest big city in America would be like setting Halo in Disneyland," City Councilman Peter Vallone, chairman of the New York City Council's Public Safety Committee. - All Y'all know I'm a nut when it comes down to my town, but even I know better than to call the city that never sleeps, the safest big city in America. Tell that to the kid the cops just shot. which one, you ask? Anyone!