
Showing posts from December, 2008

Weekly Comment

Hey all - I know it's been a long time since I sat down and wrote a weekly comment, but this week has been one where I kinda felt like my brain started working again, in addition to a myriad of political madness. Honesty, so much has happened that I barely know where to begin. Governor Ebay , Rick Warren, the Shoe Guy... Yeah you know what lets go there first. Since i barely have anything else to say about the others. Here is a man Muntader al - Zaidi who has lived his life being an Iraqi journalist, someone who has endured Saddam and too many wars for me to remember (Iran /Iraq, Desert Storm and whatever the name is of this latest abortion). But here is one of the voiceless, one of the "common folk" just a simple part the Iraqi citizenry that tolerated Saddam and lived (so far) through all the bullshit of the Bushes. Here was a guy that is probably a better man than most, someone who has dedicated his life to educating his fellow people about the world as it effects th

Your President is Spry!

The Claus is an ornery bastard

I think my favorite part has to be the Easter Bunny's chat status.

Best Show EVER!!!

You are not a slave !

I write messages on money. It's my own form of social protest. A letter printed on paper that no one will destroy passed indiscriminately across race, class and gender lines and written in the blood that keeps the beast alive. A quiet little hijacking on the way to the check-out counter And a federal crime. I hope that someone will find my message one day when they really need it. Like I do.