Weekly Comment

Hey all -
I know it's been a long time since I sat down and wrote a weekly comment, but this week has been one where I kinda felt like my brain started working again, in addition to a myriad of political madness. Honesty, so much has happened that I barely know where to begin. Governor Ebay, Rick Warren, the Shoe Guy...

Yeah you know what lets go there first. Since i barely have anything else to say about the others.

Here is a man Muntader al-Zaidi who has lived his life being an Iraqi journalist, someone who has endured Saddam and too many wars for me to remember (Iran /Iraq, Desert Storm and whatever the name is of this latest abortion). But here is one of the voiceless, one of the "common folk" just a simple part the Iraqi citizenry that tolerated Saddam and lived (so far) through all the bullshit of the Bushes. Here was a guy that is probably a better man than most, someone who has dedicated his life to educating his fellow people about the world as it effects them.
In a flash, this simple man (honestly I have no clue just how simple he is, although I have a sneaking suspicion he makes less than Andy Rooney) becomes the voice nearly the entire world. In a flash he (non-lethally) made the point of untold billions (with a "B" people) of people in one succinct motion he spoke Truth to Power.

What did he do you ask?

He hurled his shoes at the President of the United States. Both of them, mind you. The act of throwing your shoes at another person, or rather turning the soles of your shoes to another person is reported to me as being a great insult, in the case George Bush I wish someone would have David Cone'd their Bruno Magli at his face years ago.

What do you ask was Bush Jr's response to such a odd and otherwise harrowing event you ask?

My, you do ask a lot of questions. Well Georgie-boy's response was "So what". Now tell me that doesn't steam your rice. How can you claim to be the leader of the free world (lower case intentional) when you care nothing of the "free world"? How can you learn of the insult that was just directed your way and still claim indifference? Indifference mind you that leads youth to the graves in the name of what ? Profit? Freedom? Democracy? Stop the bullshit, and leave us alone. Granted, the world wasn't signing kumbaya around a campfire before Bush V. Gore, but at least we (as Americans) viewed as indifferent bastards in our Excursions and grossly overpriced condos, killing the earth and pressing our interests and killing those that stood in the American way.

(... oh wait a minute)

You see that's the point, as Gore Vidal once wrote we as Americans have the most magnificent case of amnesia ever misdiagnosed. We think in the sphere of ourselves so much that we tend to say "so what" when we should reflect and genuflect. Then we wonder to ourselves like Peter Jennings did on September 11th "Why do they hate us?". Could it be because we have no clue what we've done and what our "leaders" have done in our name, they see us say "so what" what to things that we know we fucked up on and our too proud to rectify? George Bush is a classic RWG and no matter what happens in the future with Obama or Palin or Powell or whoever takes the throne after his time, Americans won't change. We are selfish, we are arrogant, we are non deserving of the blessings we've received. Because we continue to accept rather than question. We forget our history continue down the same path. We allow phrases like "Keeping up with Joneses"and "Greed is good" to run our lives and our habits. That's why Mr. al- Ziadi threw his shoes at the Prez.
He doesn't have the chance to "ride dirty" in his Excursion, because of Mr. Bush and others like him, he deals with rolling blackouts, no running water, no trash pickup, while his "Government" boasts of surpluses. His life, his family's life, his planets life has been threatened by the indifference of America and the Bush, Clinton, Kennedy and Cheney clans.

I believe he should be pardoned, and he should be able to go back to his family hold them tight and say "I did it for all of us". Because that's what a real man would do.

Thanks for enjoying another rambling rant.


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