The Journalist and the Jihadi

I’m not as cynical as I used to be. Really, I’m not. I used to question absolutely everything that was put forth to me, (9/11, the 2000 Election, Ann Coulter is a genetic woman) but in my old age and lack of good sex nowadays I’ve stopped doing that.

There has be a point in which we stop fighting the machine and slide hopelessly in the blissful American Imperial Amnesia; right…









.wait for it










The latest piece of filth to come across which has me up in arms and should do that same for the rest of my compatriots. Is the “confession” of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that he was behind the beheading of Daniel Pearl in 2002.

There are two major problems with the “confession” (along with countless albeit smaller but still important issues) that no one outside of Amnesty International, the BBC and FT seems to want to state.

Number 1 - a Military Tribunal or rather something called a Combatant Status Review Tribunal in Guantanamo Bay “got” the confession, with no lawyers, nor impartial translators present. Yet the American Press and the AP have run the story without any mention of this fact. CBS News at least got a quote from a Human Rights Watch official detailing the fact.

Number 2 - There was a man named Ahmed Omar Sheikh who along with 3 others that where sentenced to death in Pakistan over the killing of Pearl years ago.

Now, even though they are appealing the crime, no one seemed to want to state this fact in any of the NBC, ABC, CBS or (heaven forbid) FOX news stories. (is this because Americans have the memory of a housefly)

So who dun nit?

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed reportedly also said that there are pictures of him online (maybe on his MySpace Page) with him holding Pearl’s freshly decapitated head.

Now lets get to that damn documentary CNN ran for what seemed like months. “The Journalist and the Jihadi”. In this wonderful slice of documentary filmmaking Christiane Amanpour details the life of Ahmed Omar Sheikh not Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, someone who the documentary stated was more than happy to admit killing Pearl. In fact, there is very little, if any reference to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed throughout the film at all. I should know, I sat through it, Lord knows how many times (well ok, that was a lie, it was on in another room I wasn’t really paying that much attention).

Speaking of films, isn’t Angelina Jolie supposed to star in a movie about the Wall Street Journal’s most famous widow - Marianne Pearl. I wonder what they will do with the new and interesting information. Of course when they re-shoot the beheading their going to have to change the guy holding the sword from a skinny college kid to an overweight Nick Nolte on-a-bender looking character.

Attached here is the “Official” Transcript of the Review which was relaeased by the Pentagon on Monday.

KSM Review

I don’t know. Maybe I’m getting riled up about nothing and the Government doesn’t lie to me. Maybe it’s all in my head and I need to stop eating at 3 in the morning. What do you think?

Gore Vidal where are you?


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