
Showing posts from November, 2006

Even Stoopid People!

Captialism at it's finest

Here is screenshot of Ebay at 10:30am Friday November 17th. 2006. Remember this folks, for as long as you live. Not only are people literally asking folks to grab their ankles, but to add insult to the No-Lube intrusion, Asshole Number 3 is actually asking for 40 bucks shipping. What a COCK! I must admit, there is something to be said for those that will endure a Wisconsin November night (or in some cases several nights), just to get their hands on Sony's latest buggy Opus, but you must admit there is something seriously wrong about charging others who have jobs both arms and a testicle just for the privilege to play with it. Not to mention the fact that if you actually consider paying this dope for something that within 2 months will be everywhere. You deserve the Straight, No Chaser treatment.

Thoughts and opinions from an otherwise uniformed schmuck!

I've been pretty silent this weekend, as I've had a good amount of time to reflect on the past week (the election, the Holiday movies, the state of my life, Ed Bradley , Palestine, John Bolton's hopeful unemployment , and the Rock, Paper Scissors Championship in Toronto). Maybe, its the weather that has me so blah lately, but for some reason I can't seem to concentrate nor think about anything at all. So rather than sit and play Fight Night Round 3 anymore I decided to share my general malaise with the rest of the world. Election - yeah you already know I'm happy. Holiday Movies - Why would a studio release Santa Clause 3 before Halloween? It'll be gone by the time anyone actually is in the mood to see it. (ok, fine the mood will never come - but heck why not release it in August then). State of My life - I don't know you people... I'm not saying a thing to y'all Ed Bradley - This is way too tough for me. Last Year after losing Peter Jennings I swor

Blood Diamonds Trailer

You know it's about time, we had something social and thought provoking to watch over the Christmas holiday. Of course, there is already Industry fear and spin . This is my first must see of the year (Yeah, I know it's November). What do you think? ( TRANSLATION - Leave a Comment you lazy bastards )

Leave my Nickel ALONE !

Look people, this man has done a lot of good and we need to leave him alone (for a little while at least). I don't want to hear anymore snarks about Mr. Spears, World Best-Paid Sperm Bank or Wigger Number 1 . I think we should offer K-Fed our heartfelt consolation at the dissolution (or, so it seems) of his marriage. You can tell he really cared about Brittany (keep your remarks to yourself) and his kids. I grew up around many guys that put Mister Federline to shame and I will always have fond memories of all of them. Like Mr. David Witzel (who I hope that from his name you can picture what he looks like) who showed up at an 8th Grade Picture day wearing a "Too Black, Too Strong" T-Shirt and several years later sold me the most poisonous bag of marijuana ever produced (at a great discount mind you). Now think of David Witzel and the countless other wiggers out there that would love, just to be loved like K-Fed has been over the last two years. Mr. FedEX is now confron

51, WE GOT 51 !!!

Concerning Virginia, I have a lot of things of things to be upset about (Traffic, Cheap Gas, Numerous insane ex's, Pat Robertson). However, this morning I am proud and... still somewhat upset. James Webb the former Reagan employee (for all of a month or two, before calling his boss an idiot), has been declared the winner in one of the tightest and nastiest Senate races by the Associated Press. The good thing about this is the voters of the Commonwealth have gotten rid of one our countries most idiotic (racist) and lame-brained people around, and traded him for someone who is well lets say, non-dynamic. Even though Webb doesn't translate well into the American idiom of "would I like to have a beer with him", he does translate into change, and if we learned anything from this election is that Americans wanted change. Constantly seen making his "big as a house" pregnant wife walk along with him, Jim Webb and his fractured smile has not only given the country

America; Wake Up and Meet your Government !

Notable Senate Races (winners in Red ) Arizona - Kyl v. Pederson. We knew this would happen, no reason surprise. It was all that hatred of brown people running through “backyards”. Connecticut - Lieberman v. Lamont. Whatever, Joe. You had better watch your bullshit from now on. Damn Ned, we were really rootin’ for ya New York - Clinton v. Spencer. Another Prediction, I win. New Jersey - Menendez v. Kean Jr. While I’m not on record as picking a winner (too busy making IROC Z28 jokes), I knew who would win. Pennslyvania - Casey v. Santorum. Bye-bye Ricky-Baby Rhode Island - Whitehouse v. Chafee. This was a complete surprise for me. I could have sworn Old Linc’ was coming back to town. Maryland - Cardin v. Steele - Not that much of a surprise, even though Ben Cardin got his head handed to him in every debate. Michael Steele is a formidable foe, this won’t be the last time you hear his name. Minnesota - Klobuchar v. Kennedy. Amy (meow) with the smiling face.

Cee yoU Next Tuesday !

Today Ann Coulter and her ilk, get a reprieve. It's Election Day go Vote You Lolligaggers!

I’m Mike Jones (don’t act like don’t know the name)

Back then they didn't want me, now I'm hot they all on me Yeah, that’s right I’m Mike Jones (all you Evangelical haters can buy a bag*). Now, Poor Pastor Ted Haggard, another GOP hypocrite in the world of gay bashing drug addict scumbags, bought a bag and threw it away. But it’s about time, somebody said something about this horseshit, and the path that we’re going down. Befo' I came up in the game these hoes didn't show no love Why do people continue to listen to these zealots, and why is it such a shock when they found to be liars? When it is plainly obvious that all that happens is they’re proven worst than everything they preach against. Bash Gays = The guy sucks cock on the on Monday Afternoon Hate Drugs = He’s got an 8-ball in his pocket while delivers his sermon Hate Sex = They run a brothel in Thailand (complete with 8 year-old boys) Hate Music = They secretly have every Kirk Franklin album (even the bootlegs) They see me in the c

Hollywood is a Strange and Awful Place.

Before I get into today's posting, I want to take this time out to display something very near and dear to my heart. The Shoe is on EBay! (lookin’ as busted as Buckwild herself) With that out of the way onto the goodies. Halloween Show and Tell. Now most of you know, I am the last person on earth that could be considered a starfucker, but yes, like you I often dabble in the art. Now just to give you fair warning. These people delusional (with capitol E). When did Glitter get back to reality? If you ever thought they (Ms. Klum and Seal) weren’t perfectly matched before… Look, Paris found someone to hang out with that attracts more attention than she (with her face covered), we'll see how long that friendship lasts. I Love Bill Maher, but...? Chris Klein ... uno. Jennifer Love Hewitt as The Little Tramp. OK fine she wins Here's Beepo the Mime, looking Toe-Riffic What a surprise, Little Miss Piggy - dressed like a hooker. ...and the winner is.. DATS MY NICKEL.

Damn, You Research In Motion

Here is a guy that after all the hard work and labor of becoming Mr. Witherspoon, can't get a break. Ryan Phillippe, reportedly got busted by his BlackBerry (been there). According to that Bastian of Starfuckin*; The Enquirer. Reese suspected Ryan of having an affair with actress Abbie Cornish ( this chick ) after discovering “intimate” messages to Abbie from Ryan on his BlackBerry. Damn you BlackBerry, you people need to come up with a wife/gf sensor to keep prying (and expensive) eyes out of Messages. Now, why can’t a guy have his cake (with kids), and eat it too (Australian cuties), come on ladies, I'll be there when you wake up.

John Kerry was right !

Happy November 1st - Plan your Epitaph Day That’s right kiddies, keep screwing up in school, spend all your days on MySpace, YouTube and smoking the reefers and you will end up like these fine Americans. 1. A man with mischief afoot, entered a home and licked the toe of a sleeping woman over the weekend, police said. The man reportedly licked the woman's left big toe while she was sleeping early Sunday, the Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers reported. The woman was sleeping next to her husband, who chased the suspect from the house and down the street. The suspect was wearing a black, hooded sweat shirt, white shorts and white shoes. 2 - Elizabeth Bragg, 23, was convicted in January in Huntington , Ind. , when her 4-year-old stepdaughter suffered a car injury. According to the prosecutor, Bragg, intending to punish the girl for misbehaving, told her other kids to "hang on" but then unfastened the belt in the misbehaving girl's car seat, and slammed on th