I’m Mike Jones (don’t act like don’t know the name)

Back then they didn't want me, now I'm hot they all on me

Yeah, that’s right I’m Mike Jones (all you Evangelical haters can buy a bag*). Now, Poor Pastor Ted Haggard, another GOP hypocrite in the world of gay bashing drug addict scumbags, bought a bag and threw it away. But it’s about time, somebody said something about this horseshit, and the path that we’re going down.

Befo' I came up in the game these hoes didn't show no love

Why do people continue to listen to these zealots, and why is it such a shock when they found to be liars? When it is plainly obvious that all that happens is they’re proven worst than everything they preach against.

Bash Gays = The guy sucks cock on the on Monday Afternoon
Hate Drugs = He’s got an 8-ball in his pocket while delivers his sermon
Hate Sex = They run a brothel in Thailand (complete with 8 year-old boys)
Hate Music = They secretly have every Kirk Franklin album (even the bootlegs)

They see me in the club and used to treat me like a scrub

(what a RWG! scumbag)

I’ve often asked the question what happened to the separation of Church and State in this country. Most of the time I get shrugs, other times I get an argument. But dammit, I’m waiting for the day that this fine country and the sheep that inhabit it, wake up and scream bloody murder “What have we done”. The minute our Leader in Shrubbery said “ God wants me to be President” we should have chased him down with a butterfly net.

If God’s on his side, Lord Help Us All.

They wouldn't holla cause my dollars wasn't swoll enough

Maybe France is right, what we need is a completely secular society, a place where people worship freely, but in PRIVATE. With no ties nor, influence in public policy or life. Heck we could even put an American spin on it, “Talk about Your God in Public, Pay a FINE”. Like Cell Phone Driving

I bet they change they mind when them 80 4's come rollin up

Of course, I’m not naïve enough to think that American people would actually keep their noses and ideas to themselves. But it would be a novel idea. Wouldn’t it.

They see that I'm a star, now they wanna sit in my car

Keep your laws and hate-filled venom off of other people. Since when did our freedom of speech, allow people the right to denigrate and disavow of lives of others?

If you can’t have kids - then you shouldn’t be able to comment on those that can.

If don’t love (yes, in that way) members of the same sex - Then keep your nose of their lives and families. I’m sure they do the same for you.

If people come to this country looking for a better life, then we should do what we can to help them - The American dream is losing it's luster for a lot of us, why not give some else a shot. It’s odd how no one says shit about all the fucking CANADIANS that are here, fucking up the highways. Have you ever driven to Florida in the winter, I-95 is packed with Ontario Tags going 150(km/h)? And why is that - is it still because they lack melanin?

Now they wanna count my G's, smoke my weed and sip my bar now

(This is exactly why I don’t watch local news) The most idiotic woman was on a local news channel the other day, and after showing off her Zales $299 Valentines Day Special Wedding Ring, she opened her fucking yap and exclaimed, “I don’t want my marriage to lose it’s meaning”. WTF!!! . I have to ask it since some of my readers may not get it. HOW IN THE WORLD DOES TWO MEN (OR TWO WOMYN) being married affect you? AND YOU THE FUCK ARE YOU ANYWAY, Bettie Joe Housewife from Manassas, Virginia doesn’t mean fuck-all in the scheme of things.


They used to love to me diss me, now they rush to hug and kiss me now

They tellin all they friends when I leave how they miss me now
2 8 1, 3 3 0, eight zero zero 4
Hit Mike Jones up on the low cause Mike Jones about to blow

Ain't nuttin changed but my change, I'm a stay the same

for anyone really that stoopid - the orange are lyrics from Mike Jones (not the male hooker) song "Back Then".

*And then throw it away - yeah right, your not kidding anybody Pastor, you know you got some “Trade” from Mr. Jones)


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