Hollywood is a Strange and Awful Place.

Before I get into today's posting, I want to take this time out to display something very near and dear to my heart.

The Shoe is on EBay! (lookin’ as busted as Buckwild herself)

With that out of the way onto the goodies. Halloween Show and Tell. Now most of you know, I am the last person on earth that could be considered a starfucker, but yes, like you I often dabble in the art.

Now just to give you fair warning. These people delusional (with capitol E).

When did Glitter get back to reality?

If you ever thought they (Ms. Klum and Seal) weren’t perfectly matched before…

Look, Paris found someone to hang out with that attracts more attention than she (with her face covered), we'll see how long that friendship lasts.

I Love Bill Maher, but...? Chris Klein ... uno.

Jennifer Love Hewitt as The Little Tramp. OK fine she wins

Here's Beepo the Mime, looking Toe-Riffic

What a surprise, Little Miss Piggy - dressed like a hooker.

...and the winner is.. DATS MY NICKEL.


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