51, WE GOT 51 !!!

Concerning Virginia, I have a lot of things of things to be upset about (Traffic, Cheap Gas, Numerous insane ex's, Pat Robertson). However, this morning I am proud and... still somewhat upset. James Webb the former Reagan employee (for all of a month or two, before calling his boss an idiot), has been declared the winner in one of the tightest and nastiest Senate races by the Associated Press.
The good thing about this is the voters of the Commonwealth have gotten rid of one our countries most idiotic (racist) and lame-brained people around, and traded him for someone who is well lets say, non-dynamic. Even though Webb doesn't translate well into the American idiom of "would I like to have a beer with him", he does translate into change, and if we learned anything from this election is that Americans wanted change. Constantly seen making his "big as a house" pregnant wife walk along with him, Jim Webb and his fractured smile has not only given the country it's 100th Senator, but also given the Senate a new voting anima, and breath (which was getting pretty rancid).

The Commonwealth however, has done something rather stupid at the same time. Maybe I've completely lost touch about this, as I tend to do with quite a bit. But, how does two people being married effect anyone else's marriage? As long as their love and devotion doesn't cause the cops to break down the wrong door on Maple Drive, what does it matter? If Gay and Lesbian people supposedly make up something like 10% of the United States (I'm sure it's a whole lot more than that, especially if more Republicans keep getting outed) then while disenfranchise and kick these people out of our "society". If your dumb enough to think that your neighbors relationship has any bearing on yours, then maybe this country isn't as intelligent as we try to make ourselves out to be.
What does it matter - when people die everyday from stuff the government says is ok, for us? When people are being killed everyday by it's own government (and it's horrible little policies throughout the world?

Why is it that Americans get up off their couches only to take rights away from others, when this country was supposedly founded to give people the freedom to live their lives in peace and harmony. Sure you may not like the taste of two men or womyn in a loving relationship but in actuality you don't matter. I think Americans continue to take narcissism to new and previously unimaginable heights, everyday.

Along with that wonderful little marriage amendment came something that I'm still lost on. When did two people (Man and WomAn) being married end up being the most superior junction in life. Did countless nagging mothers somehow sneak into the halls of state houses all over this country, and make it against the law to be single, or rather just have a partner in life? Part of the Commonwealth's Constitutional Amendment Banning Same-Sex Unions, was to also ban all partnership rights to those that don't feel that getting the government into their lives is something they would like to experience. Stripping all Property and Medical rights, along with Adoption and Death privileges from those that haven't said I do (or in some case can't). This again makes no sense. Now I don't for one second forget that Virginia is the South, but come on didn't Reconstruction teach you people anything.
How much longer are we going to let simple-minded people dictate our lives for us?


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