Sunday Politics Round-Up (Senate)

Being a New Yorker transplanted in a place with no voting rights (DC), has always lead me to my most consuming addiction; Politics. So here is the wrap-up for

Sunday October 22, 2006 (I’m we’ll all look back and laugh, in 18 days when I’m proven correct)

My Predication (YES, it counts) - Democratic Wins - Senate - 8, and a healthy beating for Katherine Harris)

New York - Clinton v. Spencer. Yeah right, Hilly’s going to take this guy to woodshed. Anyone with a half-a-brain knows you can’t win in New York when you make the “mistake” of calling Italian’s - “goombahs”. Then you have the gall to father one kid with an aide, while being married to someone else. Any good Republican knows if you going to bang the mail-room intern you got to’ wrap it up. Who does this guy think he is Strom Thurmond?

Minnesota - Kennedy v. Klobuchar. Klobuchar is a LOCK! I’m not sure how many other watched these two duke it on Meet The Press last week, but I do remember saying to myself over and over again, “Mark Kennedy sure is a shifty-looking’ f*cker”. Here is a guy that can’t even look his opponent in the face when “asking” her a question. Not one fresh idea came out of RWG’s mouth in the 45 minutes Russert had them at the table. Nevertheless, Amy is kind of cute.

Florida - Nelson v. Katherine “El Chupacabra” Harris. Why is this woman still around? Seriously; haven’t Floridians learned their lesson yet? I’m still of the mind that we should sell Delaware and Florida, to the Japanese for 600 yen ($5.05) and six pack of warm Sapporo. Dave Barry is right; the entire state needs an enema. Starting with “Scabs the Clown” Katherine Harris.

Virginia - Allen v. Jim “Link” Webb. What can I say about this other than -
“PEOPLE OF VIRGINIA HERE YE, HERE YE! Your Junior Senator, is a racist pig, dump him and free yourself from the Draconian gaze of Pat Robertson, and we promise to help you find Roanoke. (still haven’t found it yet, huh? You lazy Bastards)
Allen, is yet another very affable VA. GOP scumbag (sorry Vin Weber, I love you man!) that hides his blood-sucking fangs, behind a receding chin and the Rebel Cross.

Just to be fair (who said I needed to be, this is my stinking blog), Webb isn’t the most delightfully charismatic character either. His Meet the Press debate was filled with more back tracking than I care to make a joke about. Yeah, so he wrote a couple articles about how the fair maidens of Tailhook weren’t covered up enough or they were asking for it. Don’t turn your profile to the camera Jim, I think your forehead is sloped a bit much.

New Jersey - Menendez v. Thomas “RWG” Kean Jr. - Who cares its Jersey, it should be included in the DE, FL - Japan deal. Maybe we should ask them, who got rid of their IROC Z28 more recently, then shoot the one that answers.

Connecticut - Lieberman v. Schlesinger v. Lamont - very simple to add my slant to this one.
NED… Welcome to DC
Alan … Who in the **** are you?
Checking the money races on give you a very clear idea of who in the world Alan Schlesinger is. To date this Republican Step-child has blown $38,001 on his bid to come to our fair nation’s capitol for 6 years, there are people that sort mail for Non-Profits that spend that much on Cocaine in 3 months.

Pennsylvania - Santorum v. Casey - Do I really have to talk about this? Rick Santorum is not a nice man. Rick Santorum is the one person I would pay to see hit by a semi. Rick Santorum is the worst possible person for any state in our fair union. Rick Santorum is bilking the people of the Keystone State for his kids’ education here in the Nation’s Capitol. If all goes well on the 7th of November, goodbye Rick Santorum - you frothy mix. Mr. Robert Casey could be the guy Mumia Abu Jamal’s been talking about for 20-something years and I wouldn’t care. Just beat that PRICK Santorum.


DigitalReemy said…
Ooh, I love it when a plan comes together.

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