Watch out for the Sleeper!

This weekend was an especially exciting one (if you think nepotism and politics are hot). From my count, we are now at eight Presidential contenders (with three added in the last 72 hours), as if there is something special about the middle of January a full year in advance of the New Hampshire Primary.

Well... actually there is. It is a full year in advance of the New Hampshire Primary. Therefore, as a service to all my wonderful fans out there, I have compiled a quick cheat sheet for you that should lessen the confusion and get the ball rolling on your opinions just in time for the holidays. Now remember this is completely non-partisan (as usual).

  1. Joe Biden - Senator from Delaware. Dammit Joe, I like you. Nonetheless, I can’t help but feel as though you have no chance. Your doing great things for the most boring state in the union though. Keep it up
  2. Sam Brownback - Senator from Kansas - He likes to call himself a “compassionate conservative”… yeah, nobody’s falling for that BS again. If I were a woman I’d be very scared of “Thumper”
  3. John McCain - Senator from Arizona - For all his faults John McCain or as he was called in 2000 “Vietnam Crazy”, isn’t making much headways these days with his calling for more troops and his constant buddying-up to the guy that started the “VC” rhetoric seven years ago. If he wants to make himself look better to the rest of the country, he needs to wake up and realize that he is finally out of the mainstream.
  4. Barack Obama - Senator from Illinois - I don’t have enough brain cells to start this one yet. I’ve been crafting this rant for months, I’ll finish it soon enough… stay tuned.
  5. Tom Vilsack - Former Governor of Iowa. Yeah right, probably a really nice guy with some good ideas, but come on. He’s the Former Gov. from Iowa, All Iowa Politician should be banned after what Hoover did.
  6. John Edwards - Former Senator from North Carolina (or was it South Carolina) - Are you still pissed about 2004? Well so is pretty-man Edwards. He even apologized for his vote on Iraq. That’s something few others have the balls to do, we’ll see what happens. If anything I’m betting he’ll be part of another power ticket. I’ll tell you who with later.
  7. Hillary Clinton - Senator from New York - Come on, you know that’s my girl. I would even start a subscription to Ms. Magazine if she went the whole way. However, we all know there is no other candidate anywhere as divisive in American Politics. I’m betting Hilly doesn’t make it through South Carolina (or is it North Carolina)
  8. Bill Richardson - Former Governor of New Mexico - Alas, The SLEEPER, don’t sleep. For all his southwest tan and semi-tough immigration stance Bill Richardson is someone that everyone in this field should be concerned about. If he gets together a good crowd of people behind him and comes up with something innovative and intelligent to say he will be the nominee. (YES THAT’S MY BET). Think about this. Richardson is a former cabinet member of the Clinton Administration, former governor of a Mexican-American state, rather central to many of the other somewhat left-leaning Democratic candidates. Possibly the most powerful of all, Bill Richardson is Latino, I’m sure I don’t have to go into all the logistics and weight that holds in these crazy times we live in, you know.

Plus, doesn't he look like a leathery version of Peter Griffin? Sexy!

Of course I bet on Wes Clark last time, so why listen to me?


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