Samsung Must be Stopped!

I recently spent a little time explaining the goodies of LCD and Plasma TV's to a friend of mine and in doing some quick research, I noticed something rather odd. Samsung has nearly DOUBLE THE models on the market than their nearest competitor. Bringing 27 models to market, while their nearest competitor Sharp brings 12. If flooding the market (with so-so) equipment makes you the king, then I say it's time for a revolution.

Now they have 6 new DLP sets ready for CES. CALGON, where ARE YOU!

Samsung is probably the worst/best purveyor of showroom HYPE, since the 90's venerable ProScan (what ever happened to ProScan - the last television manufactured in the US, I think I just answered my own question).

Now some of you know that when I speak of Showroom Hype, I mean the underhanded sales techniques and display pushing that some manufacturers pull when they know they are up against true killers on the sales floor.

OK - Let’s recap for all those late to the party. (GET WITH IT Y’ALL)

Anyway back to my RANT, See what happens when you distract me.

In any event, Samsung is notorious for Hyping and delivering some of the worst looking and performing sets on the market. But since they spend more than anyone else in marketing they are everywhere. I remember having to buy (3) 56” sets from them in order to get one that worked (and didn’t blow a bulb, 3 hours after being delivered).

But hey, that’s life right, in order for people to learn about great product they must encounter bad… right?


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