The Digital Home, Myth or Reality? Part 1

Ahh, that wonderful slice of technological living, we’ve been hearing so much about for years. As I sit here again this year watching the headlines fly by from the Las Vegas Convention Center, one thing keeps popping up. “The Digital Home” and the “Connected Lifestyle”. It is the idea that everyday living is enhanced by the glories of wonderful and ubiquitous technology. Now, I know my posts are mostly cynical and somewhat jaded, however this actually something I do put quite a bit of stock in.

Each year we have to listen to Bill Gates and his ilk spout on about how this is the year our lives will become better. This year - If only we continue to buy new and shiny products, with slightly lower prices (when adjusted for inflation).

He just might be on to something this time around though.

I say that, because of two things are finally in cahoots. The competition and the underlying support networks are here (together for the first time).

In his Keynote address Gates said something rather interesting”Delivering on connected experiences, requires more than just great hardware”. As I said, it is about time he got the hint. In order for the Digital Home to become true reality, we need several things to kick in and when they get here we need them to substantial.

Content - What are you going to view or listen on these systems?
Hardware - Is this new piece of equipment really going to deliver the goods?
Software - Is the software available flexible (simple) enough to support what we’ve got going on?
Plan - Are the functions of these products, going to do something I’d want?

I know I might sound like to old man, complaining about technology and how it all seems to be a nuisance. But to be honest, this is something that I truly do care about and follow. I want technology to succeed, I want to see the Digital Home as a viable thing in the marketplace one day. Being in this business for as long as I have you see a lot of things that don’t live up to the hype. I just want to see these manufacturers get their act together and produce something worthwhile.

To be continued…


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