
Showing posts from 2007


Prince Charles is not the Anti-Christ, he's the Anti-_________.

Together at Last?

Did someone slip me acid or is this Jimmy “Dyno-mite” Walker and Ann Coulter together at the TV Land Awards. There’s not a single thing in this picture that makes a lick of sense. Actually, maybe it does. They have so many common interests, I guess it was just a matter of time before they had a shared project.

Now Gwen Ifill ! WTF is wrong with Don?

Posted by Frank James at 8:44 am CDT Who knew this Don Imus controversy would mushroom into The Big Story? Last week, when I predicted that Washington politicians and journalists would probably still appear on Imus's show despite his "nappy-headed hos" comment, that was in part based on what appeared to be a fairly low outrage level last week. There were very few stories about it. It was also because Imus has said many controversial comments over the years and Washington types still appeared on the show. Must've been the pre-holiday doldrums. Now, the Imus story has emerged into a major national story, at least judging from the news coverage. His show has been suspended for two weeks by the corporations that air it. Imus, sensing his career to be in mortal danger, went on the Rev. Al Sharpton radio show yesterday. Didn't do as much good as Imus might've hoped. Sharpton is still calling for his firing as is Rev. Jesse Jackson, who led an anti-Imu

WTF Comment of the Day

"Setting Grand Theft Auto in the safest big city in America would be like setting Halo in Disneyland," City Councilman Peter Vallone, chairman of the New York City Council's Public Safety Committee. - All Y'all know I'm a nut when it comes down to my town, but even I know better than to call the city that never sleeps, the safest big city in America. Tell that to the kid the cops just shot. which one, you ask? Anyone!

Looks like somebody missed snack time!


Still Sexier than you!

My goodness that is a GOOD LOOKING MAN! Sure he may be broke, got two baby mamas, 4 KIDS, a hot case of the Clap. But you know what, DATS STILL MY NICKEL ! rECOnIZE!

The Journalist and the Jihadi

I’m not as cynical as I used to be. Really, I’m not. I used to question absolutely everything that was put forth to me, (9/11, the 2000 Election, Ann Coulter is a genetic woman) but in my old age and lack of good sex nowadays I’ve stopped doing that. There has be a point in which we stop fighting the machine and slide hopelessly in the blissful American Imperial Amnesia; right… . . . . . . . . .wait for it . . . . . . . FUCK DAT. . The latest piece of filth to come across which has me up in arms and should do that same for the rest of my compatriots. Is the “confession” of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that he was behind the beheading of Daniel Pearl in 2002. There are two major problems with the “confession” (along with countless albeit smaller but still important issues) that no one outside of Amnesty International, the BBC and FT seems to want to state. Number 1 - a Military Tribunal or rather something called a Combatant Status Review Trib

The Budget Poster

As usual I'm pretty late with anything new and exciting, so here is yet another thing I'm way too late on. Larger Image Here

FOX News ... Still Unfunny

From My Wordpress Blog (yes, I have two of them) The Facist News Channel has a new show (if you want to call it that) called the The Half Hour News Hour (...yeah, I know). That is supposed to deliver a "Daily Show for Conservatives" slant on the days news stories. Here is my Review of Rupert Murdoch's latest snafu. The strangest thing about the Half Hour News Hour , the Fox News Channel’s first attempt at intentional satire, described by its creator Joel Surnow as “the Daily Show for conservatives,” is not the fact that it has been panned by what Fox calls “the liberal media”. And panned it certainly was. “Radiation sickness is funnier” raved Charlie Brooker in the Guardian. “The audience for this show is someone who doesn’t like comedy. It is stupendously not funny” chortled Lisa de Moraes on No, what’s unusual is that the right’s antidote to the Daily Show appears to have been made by people who’ve never actually watched the Daily Show. While

How to blow 145 Billion!

Sadly, I cannot take credit for such an amazing post. Found it on Digg, so I thought I would make it just a little bit more popular. (hey it could happen - The eternal optimist that I am, in any event give Death and Taxes : The Blog the requisite props, I'm just a pion in their world. ) President Bush’s budget request on Monday included a line item of $145.2 billion for the war in Iraq… er.. I mean the ‘Global War on Terror.’ Now this funding isn’t already included in the massive Department of Defense budget, nor is it part of some multi-year over arching funding program. It’s a straight lump sum of 145 billion dollars of your taxes to be used next year in an Iraq ‘whatever’ fund. But its 145 billion dollars. Surely a number like that may be difficult to get your head around or in perspective. Well that’s what I intend to do. Follow along as I show you a few other ways we could blow $145 billion of our own money. Well here is what are spending it on. The big pot o’ taxes en route

OK, this is the last one

I promise! I know I've been neglecting to write anything for a while. I've been pretty depressed about the job situation lately, and the lack of quality opportunities there are. I have no clue of what to do nowadays, after a while everything just ends up feeling like a jumble of words and no real possibilities. I've been on so many interviews and written so many thank you and cover letters that I feel like I'm writing to brick walls. Don't know what to do or what to say. Except - enjoy a Golden Oldie! and pray for me!

Rollin' with Saget

I will start posting some new stuff soon (believe me there is quite a bit to talk about). But for now I wanted to put out a golden oldie' (does this summer qualify?). For all ya'll that don't know. You must hear Bob Saget's version of The Aristocrats aka. never let this man near your children.

Apple and the Digital Home Enviroment

I pay more for Apple hardware because I 'm confident their stuff just works. I suspect I'm no longer alone in this regard. But there are still some who doubt what Apple have achieved over the years : “The question is, will Apple peel out on the race for dominance in the home? 'No, I don't think so,' says Michael Wolf , research director, digital home, ABI Research . 'Apple is a premium model and not for everyone. The masses are more likely to use set-tops by operators.'” When are people going to get over the idea of Apple being the default, inaccessibly premium buy, when all the while Apple are offering computers that are pound-for-pound / dollar-for-dollar price competitive with the other guys? People have bought iPods in their millions, when all the while there are cheaper portable music players that have things like voice recorders, FM radios and are occasion smaller that the iPod. So why do people buy the iPod in preference to other portable music playe

Damn, I am good !

According to Parks Associates, the total digital home health market in the US will grow at an average annual rate of 36% and turn into a $2.1 bln industry in 2010. The rapid expansion of wellness monitoring programs and online patient-physician messaging services will partly drive this growth. Where you at ?

Plasma V. LCD ( Now leave me alone)

OK, fine. Stop nagging. I am finally going to divulge all my industry secrets and tell all who want to know, how to pick the perfect flat-panel set for yourself. Because of the prevalence and rapidly dropping prices of the two competing technologies the arguments for (and against) as well as the rumors and myths (some idiot once told a client, they would need to “refill” the gas in their plasma after a couple years) keep spreading. Since this debate seems to drive so many to drink and walk into their local electronics stores inebriated with these untruths, I wanted to take the time out to build a comprehensive guide to buying and finding the right set for you. The Technological Difference Plasma and LCD panels look rather similar, but the flat screen and thin profile is where the similarities end. Plasma panels, as its name suggests, uses a matrix of tiny gas plasma cells charged by electrical “shocks” to create a picture. LCD panels (liquid crystal display) are sand

Watch out for the Sleeper!

This weekend was an especially exciting one (if you think nepotism and politics are hot). From my count, we are now at eight Presidential contenders (with three added in the last 72 hours), as if there is something special about the middle of January a full year in advance of the New Hampshire Primary. Well... actually there is. It is a full year in advance of the New Hampshire Primary. Therefore, as a service to all my wonderful fans out there, I have compiled a quick cheat sheet for you that should lessen the confusion and get the ball rolling on your opinions just in time for the holidays. Now remember this is completely non-partisan (as usual) . Joe Biden - Senator from Delaware . Dammit Joe, I like you. Nonetheless, I can’t help but feel as though you have no chance. Your doing great things for the most boring state in the union though. Keep it up Sam Brownback - Senator from Kansas - He likes to call himself a “compassionate conservative”… y

So Smoooooooth !

It's kinda touching that while Jessica Biel is trying to pose for pictures, Diddy is staring at her rack and falling in love. Don't you think a guy that's seen hundreds of pairs (probably with much less covering) should have a little more restraint.

The CES & AEE (AVN) connection

Nearly 30 years ago someone in the adult entertainment industry got a very bright and lucrative idea. At the time, there was a device available only to well-heeled individuals that allowed the viewing of their “wares” in the privacy of one’s own home. Up until that point, if you wanted to enjoy the adult feature you had to go through a rather long and somewhat embarrassing production of the seedy neighborhood theater or the expense of film cans, screen and projector. The name of this device was the VCR. Yes, that $39 dollar Wal-Mart special that is now flashing 12:00 in your living room is more than just an additional drain on your power bill. It is also holds the greatest secret in all of Consumer Electronics. The VHS recorder as we know it today was very close to becoming scrap by many of the manufacturers, which originally backed it. Since its astronomical price and often daunting programming procedures kept the VCR out of mainstream hands for the first part of its life. It wa

Why must I keep being proved correct?

Steve Jobs and his iPhone successfully stole the limelight from the Consumer Electronics Show this week, which meant the attendance of a former Apple chief in Las Vegas went almost unnoticed. John Sculley , whose ten-year reign at Apple began when Steve Jobs, then chairman, recruited him in 1983, took part in a debate with Bob Metcalfe, the co-inventor of Ethernet , on the future of home automation – and whether Apple would enter this market. Mr Metcalfe is now chairman of Ember, a home automation player which sponsored the debate along with one of its customers Control4. He spoke of a quintuple play in the home – the triple play that has been coined for service operators offering TV, telephone and internet service, and then mobility services and home automation being added to the mix. The killer application that could kick-start home automation would be energy management, he predicted, with new-home builders the most likely to propagate this. Mr Sculley, who is currently chairm

Wanna get Peaceful with me?


Told ya so!

From TWICE newsletter. At least three more companies here launched their first home automation products incorporating the no-new-wires Insteon technology developed by SmartLabs. The introductions by D-Link, Carrier, and Weiland Sliding Doors will bring the number of companies announcing Insteon-enabled products to about 15, said SmartLabs business development VP Ken Fairbanks. About 50 Insteon products will be available in the first half, he said. D-Link will show an Insteon-enabled router that will enable consumers to access their Insteon home-control system over the Internet from a remote PC. Carrier will show thermostats, and Weiland Doors will show high-end doors that slide into exterior walls. The applications are on display at the SmartLabs booth. Also here at the show, Best Buy is announcing plans to offer Insteon-equipped home-automation/control system installed by the Geek Squad. Although the products will be available in stores, Best Buy is mainly targeting build

CES Day 3

Today was a cooker in Vegas. It seems as though manufacturers are coming up with some great ideas and products that just might mirror everything I’ve been talking about all week. The Convergence of our lives. Of course there was one boast that cannot be ignored as well. Dell - New PC called a “Dell Home Media Suite.” Don’t hold your breath, I don’t trust Michael Dell to do anything of substance for actual consumers. He also made a half-hearted call to telecom behemoth Verizon to expand it’s FIOS service. I say Verizon and others need to stop worrying about FIOS for two seconds and get simple Broadband to Rural areas in this country. Instead of worrying about ripping up peoples suburban yards laying new cable, what about farmer Joe, and the Small Business Owner that has to get up at 4am just to use Dial-Up. The Digital Divide in this country is still growing, and Michael Dell wants more Fiber. Yeah ok, Mike we’ll get right on that! Sony - A new Digital Living System w/ Blu-ra

The Digital Home (No Myth... Hopefully) part 2

For years we’ve been lulled to sleep with dreams of “Ultra” technology like the Concept Refrigerator than is so smart it tells you when your running low on Milk or Cheese, not only that, but also it could actually order the products for you. Finally, Robust and sexy technology that makes Tomorrowland look like a hallucination of some weird fascist cartoonist who shall remain nameless. Alas, the closest anyone has actually gotten to this is, the one or two fridges with built in TV’s (not sure about you, but in my opinion that is a long way away from my fridge). The promises of this awe-inspiring tech have been just that, promises. Thinly veiled pornography for the inner geek, en masse. For over a decade now Microsoft and selected partners have been trying to make these concepts and dreams come true. The majority of earlier results have had relatively poor outcomes. Heck, I even own a computer named a “Digital Living System,” which does nothing in the way to digitize any

CES - Jour Duex

New “Rear Projection Technology” from Panasonic (LIFI). - do we really need more “bulky TV’s or am I just spoiled? It would be nice to never have to worry about burning out that bulb though. Philips Wireless HDMI - This will be SOOOOO cool, if it works. My skepticism comes from the fact there is a huge majority HDMI compliant devices that don't work together even when hardwired together. Who knows what will happen you introduce wireless into the mix. Toshiba “affordable” HD-DVD player - Interesting… More on this coming up. Desktop “Skype” - Why does Ebay, still want to get into the CE market? Don’t they know we don’t want them here. Ever since I downloaded an update for MSN messenger (in 1999) and got to crankcall Canada for free, then was suckered into downloading another update which had me pay to crankcall Canada, I’ve hated VoIP. I don't understand, I pay for broadband, why can't I make PC to POTS (plain old telephone service) calls for free? More C

Quote of the Week (probably Year) - John Chambers of Cisco

"By 2010, 20 homes networked together in a neighborhood will have more load across their network than the entire Internet did in 1995, "This is what gets a networking person excited."

Here it is - The iPhone

You know you want it!

The Digital Home, Myth or Reality? Part 1

Ahh, that wonderful slice of technological living, we’ve been hearing so much about for years. As I sit here again this year watching the headlines fly by from the Las Vegas Convention Center , one thing keeps popping up. “The Digital Home” and the “Connected Lifestyle”. It is the idea that everyday living is enhanced by the glories of wonderful and ubiquitous technology. Now, I know my posts are mostly cynical and somewhat jaded, however this actually something I do put quite a bit of stock in. Each year we have to listen to Bill Gates and his ilk spout on about how this is the year our lives will become better. This year - If only we continue to buy new and shiny products, with slightly lower prices (when adjusted for inflation) . He just might be on to something this time around though. I say that, because of two things are finally in cahoots. The competition and the underlying support networks are here (together for the first time) . In his Keynote address Gates

CES day 1

It is now quarter to 1 EST, which means Bill Gates has shut up and the Show-floor is now open. Potent Notables so far include... Sharp - 108" LCD TV. "Yeah, wait till you see the price tag Samsung - wants Digital TV in your car, as if you don't already have enough junk in there. Navigation, MP3/WMA, CD Changers Satellite Radio, DVD, Massage, Refrigerators and the ubiquitous Self Parking. Samsung - Old People Telephones -" Hey Grandma, here a phone with three buttons. Operator, 911, and Home. Because I care". Microsoft - IpTV Home Server - Can I get one without bugs? LG - HD-DVD, Blu-Ray player - I think I already said my piece on this guy. Sony - Internet HDTV streaming to Bravia LCD's (and the like). Sounds like more subscription services to me. HP - MediaSmart Server - Same Ol' thing, HP Package. Westinghouse - More TV's, this time with 1080p scrawled all over them. Good for you Westinghouse! That's all for now. Of course there will be m

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Hey all, it’s January, it’s warm outside, and you haven’t heard from Bill Gates in a while. You know what that means… It’s CES TIME. I know what your thinking - “Already, wasn’t I just there last year”. Why yes, it is, and NO, I don't remember anything about last years Vegas trip. This year convention for “Ricks”, is going to be an absolute extravaganza of redundancy and pomp, just like last year. While there do seem to be some rather exciting things to be seen and fondled throughout, I think we all know that CES is more of a marketing bonanza than an actual consumer electronics showcase. Think about it, where else can you see, Mr. Gates spouting on about his “vision” for the new millennium and how much money you will pay to get a slice of his vision. Net Gear, D-Link, HP, Intel, LG, Sony and even Warner brothers are supposed to be making “landmark” announcements this year. The only problem is (and call me cynical, all you want) most of the stuff they plan on announcing is ab

Is 110 a good number?

Today January 4 th 2007 is the start of the 110th Congress of the United States of America , and I feel good. Well, optimistic at least. I think that our newest Congressional Grandparents - Harry Reid and Nancy “The Gun” Pelosi have a lot to do, and a lot of drive to get all this done. We all know impeachment is off the table (so stop asking) as a quick side note to all the protesters out there this morning. Why protest for something that will inevitably take away from actually getting things done. Sister Nancy’s agenda of the first 100 hours is one of beauty. Break the link between the Lobbyist and Legislation. Enact all the recommendations of the 9/11 (ahem*) Commission. Raise the Minimum Wage. Cut the interest rate on student loans (IN HALF). Government negotiation with Pharmaceutical Companies for lower prices. Broaden the types of stem cell research allowed with federal funds. Not shabby for someone from Baltimore , huh? Now let’s see what

Samsung Must be Stopped!

I recently spent a little time explaining the goodies of LCD and Plasma TV's to a friend of mine and in doing some quick research, I noticed something rather odd. Samsung has nearly DOUBLE THE models on the market than their nearest competitor. Bringing 27 models to market, while their nearest competitor Sharp brings 12. If flooding the market (with so-so) equipment makes you the king, then I say it's time for a revolution. Now they have 6 new DLP sets ready for CES. CALGON, where ARE YOU! Samsung is probably the worst/best purveyor of showroom HYPE, since the 90's venerable ProScan (what ever happened to ProScan - the last television manufactured in the US , I think I just answered my own question). Now some of you know that when I speak of Showroom Hype, I mean the underhanded sales techniques and display pushing that some manufacturers pull when they know they are up against true killers on the sales floor. OK - Let’s recap for all those late to the party. (